Here is a list of dependencies for hoki. If you choose to pip install it, these will be taken care of automatically.
This module implements the CMD infrastructure
(file, col_lim=[- 3, 7], mag_lim=[- 14, 10], res_el=0.1, bpass_version='v221', models_path='/home/fste075/BPASS_hoki_dev/bpass-v2.2-newmodels/')¶ Colour Magnitude Diagram Object
- Parameters
file (str) – Location of the file containing the model inputs
col_lim (list of 2 integers (positive or negative), optional) – Limits on the colour range of the CMD grid, Default is [-3,7].
mag_lim (list of 2 integers (positive or negative), optional) – Limits on the magnitude range of the CMD grid. Default is [-14,10].
res_el (float or int, optional) – Resolution element of the CMD grid. The resolution element is the same for colour and magnitude. Default is 0.1.
bpass_version (str, optional (v221 or v222)) – The BPASS version to consider - this changes the “dummy_dictionary” that is loaded from the settings.yaml file Default = hoki.constants.DEFAULT_BPASS_VERSION
¶ Input file given by the file parameter
- Type
¶ Colour range spanned by the grid (with res_el-sized intervals)
- Type
numpy.ndarray (1D)
¶ Magnitude range spanned by the grid (with res_el-sized intervals)
- Type
numpy.ndarray (1D)
¶ Colour-Magnitude grid.
- Type
numpy.ndarray (2D)
¶ The absolute path to the stellar models. It is set to hoki.cconstants.MODELS_PATH which you can set to the right path by using hoki.load.set_models.path().
- Type
¶ Class attribute - The time bins in BPASS - note they are in LOG SPACE
- Type
np.ndarray 1D
¶ Class attribute - Time intervals between bins NOT in log space
- Type
np.ndarray 1D
(log_age)¶ Returns the HR diagrams at a specific age.
- Parameters
log_age (int or float) – The log(age) of choice.
- Returns
The CMD grid
- Return type
np.ndarray 240x100
(mag_filter, col_filters)¶ Make the CMD - a.k.a fill the grid
This may take a few seconds to a minute to run.
The colour will be mag_filter - filter2
If you later call CMD.plot() you will obtain a contour plot of mag_filter against mag_filter-filter2
- Parameters
mag_filter (str) – Magnitude Axis Filter
col_filters (list of 2 str) – The two filters for the colour. The colours will be col_filter[0]-col_filter[1].
- Returns
- Return type
(log_age=6.8, loc=111, cmap='Greys', **kwargs)¶ Plots the CMD grid at a particular age
- Parameters
log_age (float) – Must be a valid BPASS time bin
loc (3 integers, optional) – Location of the subplot. Default is 111.
cmap (str, optional) – Colour map for the contours. Default is ‘Greys’ **kwargs : matplotlib keyword arguments, optional
- Returns
The plot created is returned, so you can add stuff to it, like text or extra data.
- Return type
This module just contains BPASS constants and defines variables used in hoki.
BPASS and hoki constants¶
- set_outputs_path(path) :
Changes the defaullt path to the BPASS outputs in hoki’s settings.yaml
- set_default_bpass_version(version):
Changes the path to the stellar models in hoki’s settings.yaml
Absolute local path to the BPASS stellar library set by the models_path string in data/settings.yaml
- BPASS_TIME_BINS1D np.array
Center of the log10 age (years) BPASS time grid bins
Edges of the log10 age (years) BPASS time grid bins
- BPASS_TIME_WEIGHT_GRID2D np.array (100x100)
2D grid to contain the age (time) weights for the HRDiagrams grids
Edges of the BPASS age grid bins transformed to linear space
Center of the BPASS age grid bins in linear space
Valid BPASS metallicity strings in ascending metallicity order.
BPASS metallicities (numerical) in ascending metallicit order.
Numerical BPASS metallicity midpoints
Transient event types considered in the transient rate model outputs
- HOKI_NOWfloat
Current age of the Universe in years. 13.799e9
- BPASS_IMFSlist[str]
Valid BPASS imf strings (corresponds to the codes used in the naming of the model output files)
BPASS wavelength range covered by the model SEDs
- dummy_dictdict
DEPRECATED. Dictionary relating the column names in the hoki dataframes containing the stellar model tables and the column numbers of the raw text (sneplot) files containing the stellar model tables keys: column name in the hoki dataframes values: column number in the sneplot files
- dummy_dictsdict
Dictionaries relating the column names in the hoki dataframes containing the stellar model tables and the column numbers of the raw text (sneplot) files containing the stellar model tables. Read from settings.yaml and contains the keys and values for BPASS v2.2.1 and 2.2.2. keys: column name in the hoki dataframes values: column number in the sneplot files
- dummy_manualdict
Dictionary containing the names of the columns (keys) in the hoki dataframes that contain the stellar model tables and their physical meaning in the simulations (values).
(version)¶ Changes the path to the stellar models in hoki’s settings
- Parameters
version (str, v221 or v222) – Version of BPASS to consider by default.
You are going to have to reload hoki for your new default version to be taken into account.
(path)¶ Changes the path to the stellar models in hoki’s settings
- Parameters
path (str,) – Absolute path to the top level of the stellar models this could be a directory named something like bpass-v2.2-newmodels and the next level down should contain ‘NEWBINMODS’ and ‘NEWSINMODS’.
You are going to have to reload hoki for your new path to take effect.
(path)¶ Changes the defaullt path to the BPASS outputs in hoki’s settings
- Parameters
path (str,) – Absolute path to the folder containing the BPASS outputs.
You are going to have to reload hoki for your new path to take effect.
Author: H.F.Stevance email:
Implements the Eve class to be used with EvE.hdf5(alpha) that can be downloaded on Zenodo NOTE You can just download the EvE.hdf5 file - the code that is published with it just for record keeping as that is the Fortran and python code I used to create the database. If there are issues in the database and feel like going through the code to look for bugs.
This module implements the tools to easily load BPASS data.
(path)¶ Loads inputs from one file and put them in a dataframe
- Parameters
path (str) – Path to the file containing the input data.
(path, hr_type=None)¶ Loads a BPASS output file
- Parameters
path (str) – Path to the file containing the target data.
hr_type (str, optional) – Type of HR diagram to load: ‘TL’, ‘Tg’ or ‘TTG’.
- Returns
Output Data
- Return type
pandas.DataFrame or hoki.hrdiagrams.HRDiagrams object
(path)¶ Changes the path to the stellar models in hoki’s settings
- Parameters
path (str,) – Absolute path to the top level of the stellar models this could be a directory named something like bpass-v2.2-newmodels and the next level down should contain ‘NEWBINMODS’ and ‘NEWSINMODS’.
You are going to have to reload hoki for your new path to take effect.
(path)¶ Extract pickle files
This module implements the HR diagram infrastructure.
(high_H_input, medium_H_input, low_H_input, hr_type)¶ A class containing the HR diagram data produced by BPASS.
This class is called by the functions hrTL(), hrTg() and hrTTG() in hoki.load and users should not need to create an HRDiagram object themselves.
For more details on the BPASS outputs - and therefore why the data structure is as it is - please refer to the manual:
HRDiagram supports indexing. The indexed array is a 51x100x100 np.array that stacked the time weighted arrays
corresponding to the 3 different abundances.
Initialisation from a text file is done through the hoki.load functions
- Parameters
high_H_input (np.ndarray with shape (51x100x100)) – This inputs the HR diagrams corresponding to a hydrogen abundance n1 > 0.4.
medium_H_input (np.ndarray with shape (51x100x100)) – This inputs the HR diagrams corresponding to a hydrogen abundance E-3 < n1 < 0.4.
low_H_input (np.ndarray with shape (51x100x100)) – This inputs the HR diagrams corresponding to a hydrogen abundance n1 < E-3.
hr_type (str - Valid options are 'TL' , 'Tg', 'TTG') – This tells the class what type of HR diagrams are being given. For more details on what the 3 options mean, consult the BPASS manual section on HR diagram isocontours.
¶ HR diagrams for 51 time bins with a hydrogen abundance n1 > 0.4. Time weighted.
- Type
np.ndarray (51x100x100)
¶ HR diagrams for 51 time bins with a hydrogen abundance E-3 < n1 < 0.4. Time weighted.
- Type
np.ndarray (51x100x100)
¶ HR diagrams for 51 time bins with a hydrogen abundance n1 < E-3. Time weighted.
- Type
np.ndarray (51x100x100)
¶ Type of HR diagram: TL, Tg or TTG
- Type
¶ HR diagrams for 51 time bins with a hydrogen abundance n1 > 0.4.
- Type
np.ndarray (51x100x100)
¶ HR diagrams for 51 time bins with a hydrogen abundance E-3 < n1 < 0.4.
- Type
np.ndarray (51x100x100)
¶ HR diagrams for 51 time bins with a hydrogen abundance n1 < E-3.
- Type
np.ndarray (51x100x100)
¶ HR diagrams for 51 time bins - all hydrogen abundances stacked. This attribute is private because it can simply be called using the indexing capabilities of the class.
- Type
np.ndarray (51x100x100)
¶ HR diagram stacked for a given age range - hydrogen abundance n1 > 0.4. None before calling self.stack()
- Type
np.ndarray (51x100x100)
¶ HR diagram stacked for a given age range - hydrogen abundance E-3 < n1 < 0.4. None before calling self.stack()
- Type
np.ndarray (51x100x100)
¶ HR diagram stacked for a given age range - hydrogen abundance E-3 > n1. None before calling self.stack()
- Type
np.ndarray (51x100x100)
¶ HR diagram stacked for a given age range - all abundances added up. None before calling self.stack()
- Type
np.ndarray (51x100x100)
¶ Class attribute - The time bins in BPASS - note they are in LOG SPACE
- Type
np.ndarray 1D
¶ Class attribute - Time intervals between bins NOT in log space
- Type
np.ndarray 1D
(log_age)¶ Returns the HR diagrams at a specific age.
- Parameters
log_age (int or float) – The log(age) of choice.
- Returns
[0] : Stack of all the abundances
[1] : High hydrogen abundance n1>0.4
[2] : Medium hydrogen abundance (E-3 < n1 < 0.4)
[3] : Low hydrogen abundance (n1 < E-3)
- Return type
Tuple of 4 np.ndarrays (100x100)
(log_age=None, age_range=None, abundances=(1, 1, 1), **kwargs)¶ Plots the HR Diagram - calls hoki.hrdiagrams.plot_hrdiagram()
- Parameters
log_age (int or float, optional) – Log(age) at which to plot the HRdiagram.
age_range (tuple or list of 2 ints or floats, optional) – Age range within which you want to plot the HR diagram
abundances (tuple or list of 3 ints, zeros or ones, optional) – This turns on or off the inclusion of the abundances. The corresponding abundances are: (n1 > 0.4, E-3 < n1 < 0.4, E-3>n1). A 1 means a particular abundance should be included, a 0 means it will be ignored. Default is (1,1,1), meaning all abundances are plotted. Note that (0,0,0) is not valid and will return and assertion error.
**kwargs (matplotlib keyword arguments, optional) –
If you give both an age and an age range, the age range will take precedent and be plotted. You will get a warning if that happens though.
- Returns
The plot created is returned, so you can add stuff to it, like text or extra data.
- Return type
(log_age_min=None, log_age_max=None)¶ Creates a stack of HR diagrams within a range of ages
- Parameters
log_age_min (int or float, optional) – Minimum log(age) to stack
log_age_max (int or float, optional) – Maximum log(age) to stack
- Returns
This method stores the stacked values in the class attributes self.high_H_stacked, self.medium_H_stacked, self.low_H_stacked and self.all_stacked.
- Return type
(single_hr_grid, kind='TL', loc=111, cmap='Greys', **kwargs)¶ Plots an HR diagram with a contour plot
- Parameters
single_hr_grid (np.ndarray (100x100)) – One HR diagram grid.
kind (str, optional) – Type of HR diagram: ‘TL’, ‘Tg’, or ‘TTG’. Default is ‘TL’.
loc (int - 3 digits, optional) – Location to parse plt.subplot(). The Default is 111, to make only one plot.
cmap (str, optional) – The matplotlib colour map to use. Default is ‘RdGy’.
kwargs (matplotlib key word arguments to parse) –
The default levels are defined such that they show the maximum value, then a 10th, then a 100th, etc… down to the minimum level. You can also use the “levels” keyword of the contour function to choose the number of levels you want (but them matplotlib will arbitrarily define where the levels fall).
- Returns
The plot created is returned, so you can add stuff to it, like text or extra data.
- Return type
(obs_df, model, nsamples=100)¶ AgeWizard object
(age_range)¶ Calculates the probability that each source has age within age_range
- Parameters
age_range (list or tuple of 2 values) – Minimum and Maximum age to consider (inclusive).
- Returns
- Return type
numpy.array containing the probabilities.
¶ Finds the most likely age by finding the max value in self.calculate_sample_pdf
¶ Finds the most likely ages for all the sources given in the obs_df DataFrame.
(obs_df, model)¶ Given observations and an HR Diagram, calculates the distribution across ages (not normalised) Note to self: KEEP THIS I NEED IT
- Parameters
obs_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Observational data. MUST contain a logT and logL column.
model (hoki.hrdiagrams.HRDiagrams or hoki.cmd.CMD) – BPASS HRDiagram or CMD
- Returns
- Return type
Age Probability Distribution Functions in a pandas.DataFrame.
(obs_df, model, nsamples=100)¶ Calculates the individual age PDFs for each star
- Parameters
obs_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Observational data. MUST contain a logT and logL column (for HRD comparison) or a col and mag column (for CMD comparison)
model (str or hoki.hrdiagrams.HRDiagrams() hoki.cmd.CMD()) – Location of the modeled HRD or CMD. This can be an already instanciated HRDiagram or CMD() object, or a path to an HR Diagram file or a pickled CMD.
nsamples (int, optional) – Number of times each data point should be sampled from its error distribution. Default is 100. This only matters if you are taking errors into account.
(pdfs, age_range=None)¶ Calculates the probability that each source has age within age_range
- Parameters
pdfs (pandas.DataFrame) – Age Probability Distributions Functions
age_range (list or tuple of 2 values) – Minimum and Maximum age to consider (inclusive).
- Returns
- Return type
numpy.array containing the probabilities.
(distributions_df, not_you=None)¶ Adds together all the columns in given in DataFrame apart from the “time_bins” column
- Parameters
distributions_df (pandas.DataFrame) – DataFrame containing probability distribution functions
not_you (list, optional) – List of the column names to ignore. Default is None so all the pdfs are multiplied
- Returns
- Return type
Combined Probability Distribution Function in a pandas.DataFrame.
(obs_df, model)¶ Finds the coordinates on a BPASS CMD or HRD that correspond to the given observations
- Parameters
obs_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Observational data. MUST contain a logT and logL column (for HRD comparison) or a col and mag column (for CMD comparison)
model (str or hoki.hrdiagrams.HRDiagrams() hoki.cmd.CMD()) – Location of the modeled HRD or CMD. This can be an already instanciated HRDiagram or CMD() object, or a path to an HR Diagram file or a pickled CMD.
(c, m, p, percentiles=array([0.16, 0.5, 0.84]), p0=1)¶ Fits the CDF of a log normal distribution to the percentiles and offset values of a parameter
- Parameters
c (numpy.array) – 50th percentile, a.k.a median (c for center)
m (numpy.array) – Lower error - 1 sigma (m for minus, because this value would be subtracted to the median to retrieve the Xth percentile). Please provide the absolute value.
p (numpy.array) – Upper error - 1 sigma (p for plus, because these values would be added to the median to create the Yth percentile)
percentiles (numpy.array) –
p0 (numpy.array) –
(distribution, crop_the_future=False)¶ Simple function that devides by the sum of the 1D array or DataFrame given.
Author: Max Briel
Parent class of a complex stellar population
¶ Complex Stellar Population class
Parent class for CSPEventRate and CSPSpectra
¶ The age of the universe.
- Type
Author: Max Briel
Object to calculate the event rate at a certain lookback time or over binned lookback time
(data_path, imf, binary=True)¶ Object to calculate event rates using complex stellar formation histories.
- Parameters
data_path (str) – Folder containing the BPASS data files (in units #events per bin)
imf (str) – The BPASS identifier for the IMF of the BPASS event rate files. The accepted IMF identifiers are: - “imf_chab100” - “imf_chab300” - “imf100_100” - “imf100_300” - “imf135_100” - “imf135_300” - “imfall_300” - “imf170_100” - “imf170_300”
binary (bool) – If True, loads the binary files. Otherwise, just loads single stars. Default=True
¶ The BPASS delay time distributions in #events/yr/M_odot per metallicity. Usage: rates.loc[log_age, (type, metallicity)]
This dataframe has the following structure. The index is the log_age as a float. The column is a pandas.MultiIndex with the event types (level=0, str) and the metallicity (level=1, float)
|Event Type | Ia | IIP | ... | PISNe | low_mass | |Metallicity| 0.00001 | 0.00001 | … | 0.04 | 0.04 | | log_age |---------|———-|------|——-|----------| | 6.0 | | … | Event Rate values | 11.0 |
- Type
pandas.DataFrame (51, (8, 13))
(SFH, ZEH, event_type_list, t0, sample_rate=1000)¶ Calculates the event rates at lookback time t0 for functions as input.
- Parameters
SFH (python callable,) –
- hoki.csp.sfh.SFH,
list(hoki.csp.sfh.SFH, ), list(callable, )
SFH can be the following things: - A python callable (function) which takes the lookback time and
returns the stellar formation rate in units M_odot per yr at the given time.
A list of python callables with the above requirement.
A hoki.csp.sfh.SFH object.
A list of hoki.csp.sfh.SFH objects.
ZEH (callable, list(callable, )) –
ZEH can be the following things: - A python callable (function) which takes the lookback time and
returns the metallicity at the given time.
A list of python callables with the above requirement.
event_type_list (list(str, )) – A list of BPASS event types. The available types are: - Ia - IIP - II - Ib - Ic - LGRB - PISNe - low_mass
t0 (float) – The moment in lookback time, where to calculate the the event rate
sample_rate (int) – The number of samples to take from the SFH and metallicity evolutions. Default = 1000. If a negative value is given, the BPASS binning to calculate the event rates.
- Returns
Returns a numpy.ndarray containing the event rates for each sfh and metallicity pair (N) and event type (M) at the requested lookback time. Usage: event_rates[1][“Ia”] (Gives the Ia event rates for the second sfh and metallicity history pair)
- Return type
numpy.ndarray (N, M) [nr_sfh, nr_event_types]
(SFH_list, time_points, event_type_list, t0, sample_rate=1000)¶ Calculates event rates for the given BPASS event types for the given SFH in a 2D grid (over BPASS metallicity and time_points)
- Parameters
SFH_list (numpy.ndarray (N, 13, M) [nr_sfh, metalllicities, time_points]) – A list of N stellar formation histories divided into BPASS metallicity bins, over lookback time points with length M.
time_points (numpy.ndarray (M)) – An array of the lookback time points of length N2 at which the SFH is given in the SFH_list.
event_type_list (list(str, )) –
A list of BPASS event types.
The available types are: - Ia - IIP - II - Ib - Ic - LGRB - PISNe - low_mass
t0 (float) – The moment in lookback time, where to calculate the the event rate
sample_rate (int) – The number of samples to take from the SFH and metallicity evolutions. Default = 1000. If a negative value is given, the BPASS binning to calculate the event rates.
- Returns
event_rate_list – A numpy array containing the event rates per SFH (N), per metallicity (13), per event type (nr_events) at t0.
- Return type
numpy.ndarray (N, 13, nr_events)
(SFH_list, time_points, event_type_list, nr_time_bins, return_time_edges=False)¶ Calculates event rates for the given BPASS event types for the given Stellar Formation Histories
- Parameters
SFH_list (numpy.ndarray (N, 13, M) [nr_sfh, metalllicities, time_points]) – A list of N stellar formation histories divided into BPASS metallicity bins, over lookback time points with length M.
time_points (numpy.ndarray (M)) – An array of the lookback time points of length N2 at which the SFH is given in the SFH_list.
event_type_list (list(str, )) –
A list of BPASS event types.
The available types are: - Ia - IIP - II - Ib - Ic - LGRB - PISNe - low_mass
nr_time_bins (int) – The number of time bins in which to divide the lookback time
return_time_edges (bool) – If True, also returns the edges of the lookback time bins. Default=False
- Returns
event_rate_list – ((N, 13, nr_events, nr_time_bins), time_edges) A numpy array containing the event rates per galaxy (N), per metallicity (13), per event type (nr_events) and per time bins (nr_time_bins).
If return_time_edges=True, returns a numpy array containing the event rates and the time edges, eg. out[0]=event_rates_list out[1]=time_edges.
- Return type
numpy.ndarray (N, 13, nr_events, nr_time_bins)
(SFH, ZEH, event_type_list, nr_time_bins, return_time_edges=False)¶ Calculates the event rates over lookback time for functions as input.
- Parameters
SFH (python callable,) –
- hoki.csp.sfh.SFH,
list(hoki.csp.sfh.SFH, ), list(callable, )
SFH can be the following things: - A python callable (function) which takes the lookback time and
returns the stellar formation rate in units M_odot per yr at the given time.
A list of python callables with the above requirement.
A hoki.csp.sfh.SFH object.
A list of hoki.csp.sfh.SFH objects.
ZEH (callable, list(callable, )) –
ZEH can be the following thins: - A python callable (function) which takes the lookback time and
returns the metallicity at the given time.
A list of python callables with the above requirement.
event_type_list (list(str, )) –
A list of BPASS event types.
The available types are: - Ia - IIP - II - Ib - Ic - LGRB - PISNe - low_mass
nr_time_bins (int) – The number of bins to split the lookback time into.
return_time_edges (bool) – If True, also returns the edges of the lookback time bins. Default=False
- Returns
((nr_sfh, nr_event_types, nr_time_bins), nr_time_bins)
The event rates in a 3D matrix with sides, the number of SFH-Z pairs, the number of events selected, and the number of time bins choosen.
If return_time_edges=False, returns a numpy.ndarray containing the event rates. Usage: event_rates[1][“Ia”][10]
(Gives the Ia event rates in bin number 11 for the second sfh and metallicity history pair)
If return_time_edges=True, returns a numpy array containing the event rates and the edges, eg. out[0]=event_rates out[1]=time_edges.
- Return type
numpy.ndarray (nr_sfh, nr_event_types, nr_time_bins),
Authors: Max Briel and Heloise Stevance
Object to contain the stellar formation history.
(time_axis, sfh_type, parameters_dict=None, sfh_arr=None)¶ An object to contain a stellar formation history of a population.
¶ An array containing the given time points of the stellar formation rate
- Type
(time_edges, sample_rate=25)¶ Gives the mass per bin for the given edges in time.
- time_edgesnumpy.ndarray
The edges of the bins in which the mass per bin is wanted in yrs.
- numpy.ndarray
The mass per time bin given the time edges.
(time_bins, sfr, burst_time)¶ Burst star formation history
- Parameters
time_bins (list or numpy.ndarray) – Time bins
sfr (int or float) – Value of the desired star formation rate at the burst time
burst_time (int or float) – Time of the star burst
- Returns
- Return type
Array containing the star formation history corresponding to the given time_bins
(time_bins, sfr)¶ Constant star formation history
- Parameters
time_bins (list or numpy.ndarray) – Time bins
sfr (int or float) – Value of the desired constant star formation rate.
- Returns
- Return type
Array containing the star formation history corresponding to the given time_bins
(time_bins, tau, alpha, beta, factor=1)¶ Double Power Law star formation history
- Parameters
time_bins (list or numpy.ndarray) – Time bins
tau (float or int) –
alpha (float or int) –
beta (float or int) –
factor (float or int, optional) – Default = 1
- Returns
- Return type
Array containing the star formation history corresponding to the given time_bins
(time_bins, tau, T0, factor=1)¶ Delayed exponential star formation history
- Parameters
time_bins (list or numpy.ndarray) – Time bins
tau (float or int) –
T0 (float or int) –
factor (float or int, optional) – Default = 1
- Returns
- Return type
Array containing the star formation history corresponding to the given time_bins
(time_bins, tau, T0, factor=1)¶ Exponential star formation history
- Parameters
time_bins (list or numpy.ndarray) – Time bins
tau (float or int) –
T0 (float or int) –
factor (float or int, optional) – Default = 1
- Returns
- Return type
Array containing the star formation history corresponding to the given time_bins
(time_bins, tau, T0, factor=1)¶ Lognormal star formation history
- Parameters
time_bins (list or numpy.ndarray) – Time bins
tau (float or int) –
T0 (float or int) –
factor (float or int, optional) – Default = 1
- Returns
- Return type
Array containing the star formation history corresponding to the given time_bins
(func, *args, **kwargs)¶ A decorator to automate a repeated error message.
Author: Max Briel
Utilities to be used in the complex stellar populations module
(sfh_function, time_edges, sample_rate=25)¶ Calculates the mass per bin for the given edges in time
The default sample_rate is set to 25 for a untested balance between speed and accuracy
- sfh_functioncallable
A python callable (function) giving the stellar formation rate at a given lookback time. For faster calculations give a vector optimised function.
- time_edgesnumpy.ndarray
The edges of the bins in which the mass per bin is wanted in yrs.
- sample_rateint
The number of samples to take to use for the trapezodial integration. Default = 25
- numpy.ndarray [len(time_edges)-1]
The mass per time bin.
(Z_function, time_edges)¶ Gives the metallicity per bin for the given edges in time.
- Z_functionfunction
A function giving the metallicity history given a lookback time.
- time_edgesnumpy.ndarray
The edges of the bins in which the mass per bin is wanted in yrs.
- numpy.ndarray [len(time_edges)-1]
The average metallicity per time bin
(dp, fp, sample_rate)¶ Perform a trapezodial integration over subsections of the given arrays.
dp and fp are split into a number of bins [(N-1)/sample_rate]. Each subsection is integrated using the _optimised_trapezodial_rule. An array containing the integral for each subsection is returned.
- Parameters
dp (numpy.ndarray (N)) – Time points
fp (numpy.ndarray (N)) – Function values at the time points
sample_rate (int) – The sample rate over which to integrate the values. (N-1) has to be divisible by sample_rate
- Returns
An array containing the integrals over bins separated by sample_rate
- Return type
numpy.ndarray (N-1)/sample_rate
Note that the modules kvn and lordcommander will be renamed in v1.7.2
(wl_obs, norm_fluxes, norm_noises, median_flux_ls, wl_fits, kvn)¶ LordCommander is a pipeline to run the ppxf fits on a whole array of spectra (e.g. galaxy) It creates a bunch of tables (DataFrames) to store the data and then can save it to HDF5
Contains the median of the observed spectra (used for the normalisation)
Contains the best dispersion and Line Of Sight Velocity (LOSV)
Contains the best fits from ppxf
- SFH:
Contains the metalicity and ages of each of the templates selected to make the best fit
Contains all the spectra used to create the best fit (that correspond to each row of SFH)
Contains the additive polynomials needed to make the best fit - may be empty
Contains the multiplicative polynomials needed to make the best fit - may be empty
- CHI2:
Contains the values of chi2 for each best fit
Contains the flags. During the fitting procedure, flags are created when the chi2 value or dynamical parameters are higher than the median for the whole galaxy. => There are flags for deviations by 2, 3 and 5 standard deviations. The value of the flag is:
2,3,5 for the Chi2
20,30,50 for the LOSV
200,300,500 for the dispersion.
So a TOTAL flag with value 553 has a 3 sigma deviation in the Chi2, a 5 sigma diviation in the LOSV and a 5 sigma deviation in the dispersion.
(start, moments, degree, vsyst, clean, goodpixels_func, reddening=None)¶ Fits the spectra in a big loop.
- Parameters
start (list of 2 values) – [LOSV_guess, dispersion_guess]
moments (integer) – See ppxf manual
degree (integer) – See ppxf manual
vsyst (float) – See ppxf manual
clean (bool) – Whether to do sigma clipping
goodpixels_func (callable) – The function to determine the good pixels. It needs to take in a dictionary that contains they keys: flux and `wl`(Might expand that dictionary at a later date if I need more paramters).
- Returns
- Return type
(filepath, folder)¶ Saves data to HDF5 file.
- Parameters
filepath (str) – path to the file
folder (str) – path WITHIN the file
- Returns
- Return type